Inland Pediatrics Patient InformationName: Sex: Age:Date of Birth: MM slash DD slash YYYY Address: City: State: ZIP Code: If Patient is older than 12 yrs please provide his/her #: Cell Phone number Guardian 1:Cell Phone number Guardian 2:Name of Father or Guardian: Age:Date of Birth: MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Mother or Guardian: Age:Date of Birth: MM slash DD slash YYYY Insurance: Policy Number: Policyholders Full Name: Drivers license/ID Number: Emergency Contact: Relationship: Phone #:Parent or Guardian’s Signature:Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Consent FormPatient Information Last Name First Name Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone NumberAddress Email I, (Parent Name) am the legal guardian of the aforementioned child and understand that my son/daughter will be weighed, measured and sometimes have a hemoglobin for anemia, blood pressure, glucose or urine test. I also acknowledge that my child may require one of the following procedures.Ear Lavage Wound Care Medicines IM /IV Breathing tx Penile Peel Stitch Removal Tongue Tie Stool Removal I understand that the services listed above are only performed when requested by me or if considered medically necessary. The risks and benefits, including organ damage, bleeding or continuation symptoms, are always a possible outcome. My signature here represents my consent for services and remains in place until I request a change prior to procedure(s).(Your signature)Consent for Child’s Vaccination: I have read, or had explained to me, the vaccine information sheets and understand the risks and benefits. This authorization shall apply to any and all combinations of required and recommended California State Law and CDC childhood vaccines. I consent to Inland Pediatrics, Inc. and its staff for my aforementioned child to be vaccinated with the full vaccine series for each childhood vaccine. I understand that I may withdraw consent at any time by informing the provider. If this consent is not signed, your child will not be vaccinated.Signature of parent/ legal guardianDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Inland Pediatrics, Inc 3838 Sherman Dr Ste 7 Riverside CA 92503 (951) 688-0361 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Inland Pediatrics Notice Of Privacy PracticesDate: MM slash DD slash YYYY (Fecha)Patients Name: (Nombre del Paciente)Birth Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY (Fecha de Nacimiento)Parent/Guardian: (Padre/Guardian)Inland Pediatrics, Inc.COMMUNICATION CONSENT AGREEMENT I UNDERSTAND THAT UNDER FEDERAL LAW (HIPPA), THIS MEDICAL OFFICE MAY NOT RELEASE ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION TO ANY INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT MY EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COURT ORDERS ARE TWO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS REQUIREMENT. I, THEREFORE, GIVE MY PERMISSION TO INLAND PEDIATRICS, INC TO RELEASE MEDICAL INFORMATION TO THE FOLLOWING PERSON (S):NAME: RELATIONSHIP: ADDRESS: PHONE:AGE:DOB: MM slash DD slash YYYY DRIVER’S LICENSE#: OTHER FORMS OF IDENTIFICATION: NAME: RELATIONSHIP: ADDRESS: PHONE:AGE:DOB: MM slash DD slash YYYY DRIVER’S LICENSE#: OTHER FORMS OF IDENTIFICATION: PATIENT NAME: DOB: MM slash DD slash YYYY PARENT SIGNATURE:Date MM slash DD slash YYYY CHILD HEALTH HISTORYPATIENTS NAME: PLACE OF BIRTH: Did you (MOM) use any non-prescribed drugs? (tobacco, alcohol, “street drugs”, over the counter or home remedies) YES NO Did the baby go home with you from the hospital? YES NO Did the baby receive any shots for Hepatitis B? YES NO CHILD’S HISTORY: MALE FEMALE Is this child adopted? YES NO Birth Weight: Pounds Ounces LengthInchesHas your child ever had:Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps,Rubella YES NO Skin problems YES NO Tuberculosis or Positive TB test YES NO Convulsions, seizures, epilepsy YES NO Problems with eyes or vision YES NO Diabetes YES NO Problems with ears or hearing YES NO Thyroid problems YES NO Heart problems YES NO Allergies YES NO Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia YES NO Problems with developmental or school performance YES NO Anemia, bleeding problems, blood transfusions YES NO Serious illness or accident YES NO Diarrhea, solling self with stool YES NO Surgery or hospitalization YES NO Bladder or Kidney problems, wetting self or bed YES NO (Girls) has she started her periods? (Girls) Are there problems with her periods? YES NO FAMILY HISTORY: Does mother (M), father (F), brother (B), sister (S), aunt (A), uncle (U), or Grandparent (GP) have:Diabetes YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)High blood pressure YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Epilepsy or convulsions YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Bleeding disorder YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Mental retardation YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Tuberculosis YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Heart disease YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Lung problems YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Cancer YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Breathing problems YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Kidney or urinary disease YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)Bone or joint problems YES NO Which Family Member ?(M)(F)(B)(S)(A)(U)(GP)PARENT INFORMATION:Age Mother Father Height: Mother Father Occupation: Mother Father HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION:Number of people in home: Are both parents in the home? YES NO Does anyone in the home smoke, or use drugs or alcohol? YES NO Language spoken in the home: Do you live in a: House Apartment Moblie Home Shelter Homeless Signature:Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Relationship to Child: Reviewer’s Signature:Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY INLAND PEDIATRICS Statement of patient financial responsibility Patients Name: DOB: MM slash DD slash YYYY Inland Pediatrics appreciates the confidence you have shown in choosing us to provide for your health care needs. The service you have elected to participate in implies a financial responsibility on your part. The responsibility obligates you to ensure payment in full for our fees. As a courtesy, we will verify your insurance coverage and bill your carrier on your behalf. However, YOU are ultimately responsible for payment of your bill in full. YOU are responsible for payment of any deductible and or copays as determined by your contract with your insurance carrier. We expect these payments in a timely manner. Many insurance companies have additional stipulations that may affect your coverage. YOU are responsible for any amount not covered by your insurance. If your insurance carrier denies any part of your claim or if you elect to receive services past your approved period YOU will be held responsible for your balance in full. I have read and agree with the above policy regarding my financial responsibility to Inland pediatrics, for providing services to me or the above named patient. I certify that the information is the best of my knowledge true and accurate. I authorize my insurer to pay any benefits directly to Inland Pediatrics for the entire amount of the bill incurred by me or the above named patient. NEWBORNS Baby is usually covered under moms insurance for the first 30 days of life. Private insurance (HMO’s and PPO’s) require that you add the baby to the policy being used at the time of visit and retroactive the start date to date of birth of the baby and assign the patient to Dr. Salazar as the provider. If the baby is not added or assigned to Dr. Salazar payment will be denied by the insurance provided and the payment will become the responsibility of the parent. Parent or Guardian’s Name: Parent or Guardian’s Signature:Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY